Backflow Preventer Maintenance: Tips from Plumbing Experts


A backflow preventer is critical to safeguarding your home against reverse water flow and potential contamination. Regular maintenance is essential to maintain its effectiveness. In this guide, plumbing experts share valuable tips and insights to help you maintain the backflow preventer in the right condition. 1. Understand the Importance of Backflow Prevention: Before delving into […]

DIY Water Testing: Simple Methods for Assessing Water Quality at Home?


Water is essential for our daily lives, and ensuring its quality is crucial for maintaining good health. While municipalities generally monitor water quality, conducting your tests is wise to have peace of mind. Fortunately, you can quickly assess your water quality at home using simple do-it-yourself (DIY) methods. In this article, we will explore a […]

Common Plumbing Problems You May Encounter Before Winter Ends


Frozen and Burst Pipes When the temperature drops in Kansas City, the chance of your pipes freezing goes up. Anytime the temperature drops below freezing for an extended period of time, you are at risk of pipes freezing, too. The pipes in the most danger are those in basements and attics. These spaces are typically […]

Preparing Your Home’s Plumbing System for the Holidays


As the holidays approach, your thoughts are probably focused on gift giving, great food and spending time with those that you care about and love. The last thing that crosses your mind is the effects of the holidays on your plumbing system. With the increased demands on your home’s plumbing system, though, you could be […]

Common Signs That You Need Holiday Drain Cleaning!


Clogged drains can be a frustrating nuisance, but having a dirty drain during the holidays could mean bursting pipes in your home. The winter season already puts enough strain on your plumbing, freezing your pipes and wearing down your water heater. No homeowner wants a home flooded from a burst pipe, which is why it’s […]